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Mysteries are always hard to judge until they are resolved but I'm intrigued.


I'm intrigued as to where this goes, excited to see! Just a small suggestion but maybe change the colour of the choice options, I'm a little hard of sight and struggled a little to notice them at times.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi the option to open full screen is missing.

Edit: Okay so, I tried to read some of it (I'll probably read the rest once we can open the game up fully)and right away,I like it, it's interesting so far, I can tell this will be super good!! 

Feedback: One thing I noticed instantly is, we can choose to be mute.Yet, something that I've come to notice that many IF writers do is, forget to mention how MC is communicating; causing it to come off as if they're outwardly speaking- or the use of terms that suggest MC actually did verbally communicate. Ofc it's just the beginning, so you may have already planned to rework that- yet just in case I still wanted to mention it.

Lastly, the actual post is hard to read due to the dark words on the darker toned background.I had to highlight the section to see it.